What are we doing
Our work is healing work, it is cultivating your power, it is being in relationship with yourself in your multitudes and in relationship with earth to be mirrored and witnessed, transformed - to become more fully human. We are fostering health, mental, spiritual, soulful & physical. We know each of you are whole, complete, complex, interdependent - a bigger mystery as deep and expansive as the night sky.
We are asking our clients to cultivate their facets of wholeness, to grow the parts of them that can hold them in the terror and beauty of life, the parts that move them toward soul and serve as their resources to look and tend to wounded parts of themselves. In cultivating deep connection to the parts that know how to fully love themselves, that know they are are interdependent and interconnected to all beings on Earth and to the expansive cosmos, they see their perfection and complexity. In cherishing and nourishing parts of you that know you hold mysterious and vital gifts for this cultural time and that you are an animal, a human of the Earth that belongs here you foster your capacity to do the wound work necessary to claim your power, your potential, your well-being.
We continue to call in those who are attracted, craving, being courted, drawn, crying for their power, their gifts, their healing, their liberation. We court them and give ourselves to this soul fulfilling work.