Guiding you to belonging and wholeness

1:1 with kristopher drummond

Dream work.


Eco mysticism.





Deep Listening.

Mentoring with Kristopher

Holistic therapy

Don’t worry, I’m gonna tell you what’s in this for you, but to do that I have to tell you about me. For one, I’m a writer and I support writers so I’m a big believer in the power of story. More importantly, though, it’s my story that makes me trustworthy to meet you in your most intimate places of wounding, longing, creation and transformation. 

One of my names that feels most true, and most terrifying, is Permission Bringer. It was given to me by a purple stone that still sits on my altar and comes from years of fighting for permission to step into my own freedom, gifts, and wholeness. It’s a name forged in the crucible of humiliation and shame, a homecoming buried beneath the brokenness I once took for myself. I had to dig deep to discover how my wounds opened me to my gifts, but as the hole got deeper, the soil got richer and the shovel-fulls darker and more nutrient-dense. Maybe they even got lighter. 

We’ve all heard “the crack is where the light gets in,” and it sounds good coming from Leonard Cohen. But the lived reality of turning toward exile, touching our core wounds, reclaiming the lost parts of soul, and saying yes to the immense, uncontrollable spectrum of freedom is a wild, nonlinear, ecstatic and horrifying journey. That’s the truth. If it weren’t for the guides, teachers, friends, and books meeting me in my hardest moments, I wouldn’t be here.

So. You. Why are you here? Why are you still reading? Maybe you:

  • Are seeking “wholeness.” 

  • Long to write the stories you know you must write or improve your skill in the craft.

  • Want to connect to the earth and create from your heart or write with wildness and sincerity,

  • Seek to step further onto a path of meaning and service. 

  • Know brokenness, shame, humiliation, exile, and a sense that these core wounds are keys to finding your most authentic gifts.

  • Are looking for real belonging amidst a fragmented and absent culture.

  • Have dreams insisting on getting your attention.

  • Recognize the ongoing collapse of social and ecological systems and seek to show up in a meaningful, open-hearted way.

As you read this, what are you feeling in your body? Longing? Cynicism? There’s no right answer. I’m just asking you to notice.

And that’s how I work. I walk with you off the cliff edge of (and through) old stories, right into the present moment with whatever is here. Your body, your imagination, your dreams, your wounds. Your voice, your vision, your gifts.

Here. Now. 

Together, we listen. 

And if we do that with sincerity and honesty, what needs to be seen, met, held, heard, and loved back home emerges. It works every time. It’s wild (truly). Wholeness is already here. Our bodies, our psyches, our souls know the way.

“Kristopher stayed real and led from heart, I felt from him an embodied trusting of the unknown. He facilitates from an easeful, nothing to prove leadership style, and it’s possible to feel his heart immediately, so that was just magic.” - Previous Client

With eco-depth, poetic, and somatic lenses, I can support you to:

  • Uncover the stories of your “foundational mytholgy”
    and tell them in a way that allows you to move forward

  • Deepen into your life visions and visions for partnership, self, and community

  • Support and witness you in creating personal rituals and ceremonies
    for connecting to your deep psyche and expressing your most authentic experience of yourself

  • Work with your dreams, visions, psychedelic experiences, wounds,
    and longings to discern clues and pointers to your “soul calling”

  • Explore your core wounds with compassion to find the gifts held inside the pain

  • Hone the craft of writing and “ensoul” your words

  • Explore your somatic self and live an embodied life

  • Find your path of service at this critical moment in Earth’s story

“Beyond my expectations actually (which is what writing w/Kristopher always is :)) There was a lot of personal freedom & more wildness released in my life than I was expecting.” - Previous Client

Following the thread

“There’s a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder about what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread.” -William Stafford

There’s always a thread. I find it in my body by stopping and listening. Healing, writing, loving, and living well depend on the thread. The authentic movement of the body, the sadness that’s been waiting in the belly, the joy we haven’t given ourselves permission to feel, the poem that seems to pour through you despite yourself. The thread knows what comes next, and my job as a guide is to invoke and hold an intuitive space for you to encounter and embody your next first step. It’s those tempting terrifying steps that lead to life you really want.

The Details of 1:1 Sessions

  • 1:1 sessions are 75 minutes long, unless otherwise scheduled and are available on a sliding scale from $100-200.

  • I have been gifted so much attention and care that I didn’t have the funds for and because of this, in the spirit of reciprocity, I welcome need-based scholarship inquiries.

  • While I do offer one-off sessions, packages/contracts are recommended - the secret sauces of transformation are consistency and accountability. I offer discounted rates for six, eight, and ten month commitments.

  • We can focus on specific things (for example dreams, core wounds, writing/poetry, embodiment etc) or let sessions be “emergent” and listen for what is most alive for you in the present moment. Often, one thread weaves into another.

  • My sessions often weave between the images of the psyche (soul) and the way they live in the body. By turning attention toward the image/body spectrum, we open up to the deep emotions and intuitive knowings of the core self. This is best expressed by the depth psychologist Robert Bosnak in his book Embodiment.

  • By opening to the primary material of the psyche, we gain access to our own “formative mythologies.” When we see the story we’re living, we gain access to letting go of elements that no longer serve and open the door to stepping into the story of self that is most authentic and alive.

In my guiding and teaching I draw upon the many traditions and practices I’ve encountered and the few that have been my spiritual homes:

  • My healing began with mindfulness and somatic awareness as taught in the Insight meditation tradition which I’ve trained in for 12 years and have something like 150 nights of silent retreat experience.

  • A majority of my current guiding, including dreamwork, mirroring, ritual, council, nature-based wholing, embodied imagination, ensouled language coaching and alchemizing core wounds is sourced from my extensive training with the Animas Valley Institute over the past four years.

  • I am certified as an Interfaith Spiritual Director by The Sacred Space Foundation, where I lived as an apprentice between 2015 - 2019.

  • I’ve practiced weekly men’s somatic council for five years as taught by Evryman

  • Graduate of Mark Matousek’s Writing To Awaken nine month training.

  • Poetry as a Tool for Health and Wellness facilitator trained by the Institute for Poetic Medicine.

    I also have formal training in:

  • Ritual grief facilitation,

  • Hospice and end-of-life caregiving,

  • Ancestral and animistic practice,

  • Community organizing and environmental activism

  • Authentic Movement, 5Rhythms Dance, and other somatic practices.

  • I’ve been in my own somatic and ecodepth oriented therapy for a decade and bring some of those practices (Active Imagination, Internal Family Systems, somatics, Focusing, mindfulness, creative expression, and ecopsychology. ) into my work with others.

    Lastly, I’ve published articles, poems and short stories in print and online journals about all this stuff and you can read some of them here.

About Kristopher

Here are some more words from folks:

“Kristopher is a human whom I learned to trust my most private stories with, my most vulnerable heart, and he was gorgeously present and welcoming of that depth. It felt immensely healing to be held by his masculine yin power and presence. I am sure I would not have reached the center of things the way I did, without this alchemy.”

“You all HELD it down with your potent and directive architecture AND remained open and receptive and humble (healthy masculine!! ahhh such a deep deep breath for my whole being). Your alchemy as a duo was a beautiful interplay of skillfulness, maturity, and wisdom that offered such deep healing.”